State Accounting Fiscal Essentials


SAFE Policy Manual

Revised: 12/17/2024

Prompt Payment, Invoices, and Vouchers

Applicable or Related Code Sections

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I. Purpose

This policy sets forth a state agency’s responsibility to ensure prompt payment, a receipt of proper invoice, including the contents of a proper invoice, and the payment of interest if an agency fails to make a prompt payment.

II. Scope

The terms of this policy apply to each organized body, office, and agency established by the laws of the state for the exercise of any function of state government.

III. Definitions

IV. Provisions

  1. Prompt Payment

    1. A state agency is responsible for ensuring prompt payment is made to its payees. An agency’s responsibility to make a prompt payment begins when the agency receives (1) the goods or services free of defect, and (2) a proper invoice.
    2. Agencies and payees may stipulate the date at which payment is due in a written agreement. In the absence of a written agreement or agreed-upon date in a written agreement, a payment is due thirty (30) days after the receipt of a proper invoice.
    3. If the invoice is not proper, a state agency must inform the payee in writing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the invoice, and provide information as to why the invoice cannot be paid. After proper notification is provided to the payee, payment will not be due until thirty (30) days after the state agency receives a proper invoice.
    4. A state agency is responsible for paying interest to a payee if:
      1. It receives an improper invoice and fails to notify a payee within fifteen (15) days; or
      2. It receives a proper invoice and fails to make payment promptly.
  2. Proper Invoices

    1. A proper invoice must contain the following information:   

      1. The information set forth in Ohio Revised Code, section 125.01 (B) or Section 126.30, if applicable; and

      2. Information that allows the agency to validate the invoice, which may include but is not limited to:

        1. Purchase order number(s)

        2. Contract number  

        3. Agency name

        4. Agency billing address

        5. Delivery location of goods or services  

        6. Payee name  

        7. Payee payment remittance address

        8. The date that services were provided or that items were shipped.

        9. A unique invoice number.

    2. A state agency can add information that will enhance accurate processing but must add a unique invoice number if none is provided by the payee. OAKS FIN will not save a voucher if it contains the same invoice number within the same business unit. The use of a unique invoice number will prevent duplicate payments.
    3. An agency should redact any confidential or personal identifying information a payee provides on an invoice prior to entering the invoice in OAKS FIN, including individuals’ names or truncated personal identification numbers, when appropriate.
    4. The date the state agency receives the proper invoice must be entered in the "Invoice Received" date field in OAKS FIN. The "Invoice Date" field can be used to enter the date shown on the payee’s invoice.
    5. In some State Term Contracts, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) may negotiate a discount. DAS's general terms and conditions for discounts require the discount period be calculated from the date the state receives a proper invoice. OAKS FIN automatically calculates the discount based on the pay terms and the invoice date entered on the voucher. If a discount is available, OAKS FIN deducts the discount amount from the amount paid to the payee. When the payment references a purchase order, the purchase order will be reduced by the full amount of the invoice but the agency’s available balance for the appropriation will be reduced only by the amount of the payment.
  3. Unique Invoice Number, State of Ohio Invoice Number Standards

A state agency must ensure that each invoice entered for payment has a unique, non-duplicative number to prevent duplicate payments. DAS's State of Ohio Standard Terms and Conditions and the Model Contract for State Agencies include the unique invoice requirement.

Exhibit A of this policy contains the State of Ohio Invoice Number Standards. Agencies should always follow these Standards, but especially when: (1) an invoice is received without a number, (2) an invoice is received with a number that cannot be distinguished from another invoice number, or (3) when an invoice is repetitive or common (i.e., is not unique).

  1. Interest Calculation and Payments
    1. If a state agency does not make the payment by the required payment date, the agency must calculate the interest in accordance with Revised Code Section 126.30. The calculated interest must be paid to the payee if the amount is greater than or equal to ten dollars. The amount due to a payee may be calculated by using the Late Payment Calculator. If interest is owed for a period covering portions of more than one calendar year, calculate the interest owed for the appropriate part of each year at the rate for that year.
    2. Utilities regulated by Public Utility Commission (PUCO) may bill late payment charges based on the rates approved by PUCO. If a late payment to a utility causes the agency to lose a discount or pay an interest/late payment penalty, the additional cost must be coded to account 525054.

    3. Interest payments must be coded as 529068.

    4. Agencies are only authorized to pay interest in accordance with this policy. No agency is authorized to pay late payment or interest fees charged by payees other than fees charged by regulated utilities and Unemployment Compensation payments. Annually, the Office of Budget and Management (“OBM”) will request agencies justify any large, unusual, or frequent interest paid to payees.

    5. Payments made from state agency to state agency must be made within thirty (30) days, however no interest is due for late payments between state agencies. If a state agency fails to make the requisite payment, the state agency receiving the payment may contact OBM to request assistance in collecting the payment.

  2. Invoice Prohibitions

    1. Other than as provided in this policy, a state agency shall not remove information from payee invoices except for sales tax, excise tax, erroneous freight charges, past due balances, or contract penalties.

    2. Payee invoices shall not be combined within a voucher in OAKS FIN. Each invoice must be entered independently and have its own corresponding voucher number.

    3. A state agency shall not voucher a summarized invoice or statement that has charges from other independent invoices that have been previously received.

    4. After a voucher is entered and saved in OAKS, the pay terms cannot be changed. A state agency may contact to request a change to the voucher's payment date. The agency requesting the change must also provide the justification for the request, including an explanation if the request is made on behalf of a payee.





Always use the Invoice Number provided on the supplier’s invoice, including utility invoices. Key what you see, including special characters. Use one space wherever a space occurs, mixed case.

Supplier Invoice Number is:

March   123*4_56.78-9

Enter as:

March 123*4_56.78-9

Leading zeros Always enter leading zeros

Supplier Invoice Number is:


Enter as:


Case Use mixed case as shown on the invoice.

Supplier Invoice Number is:

236-1 March 2022

Enter as:

236-1 March 2022

Spaces Use only one space whenever a space occurs in the Invoice Number.

Supplier Invoice Number is:

123     456 APz4

Enter as:

123 456 APz4

Do not enter the words “Invoice”, abbreviations “IN” or “INV”, if they appear before a colon (:) Include “Invoice”, “IN”, “INV” if they appear after the colon as part of the Invoice Number.

Example 1:

Supplier Invoice Number is:

Invoice:  123456AP

Enter as:


Example 2:

Supplier Invoice Number is:

INV:  #INV123456#ap

Enter as:


Never use the pound sign (#) as part of your invoice number unless it is in the middle of the invoice number Do not use (#) pound sign unless it is in the middle of the invoice number

Example 1:
Invoice #12345 or # 12345

Enter as:

Example 2: 

Enter as:

Date Format

When using a date to make an invoice number unique, always use MMDDYYYY format

Do not use separators (slashes, dashes, periods, etc.) between day, month, and year.

Invoice date is:

April 14, 2022

Enter as:


Dollar Amount

When entering a dollar amount to make an Invoice Number unique, do not enter special characters (dollar sign, commas, or the decimal point).

Invoice amount is:


Enter as:


Utility Invoices

Use the Invoice Number. If there is no Invoice Number, use the Account Number-Invoice Date.

Example 1:

Supplier invoice dated May 19, 2022, shows:

Acct Num:  419 424-5007 546 8

Inv #: 419424599793 03

Enter as:

419424599793 03

Example 2:

Supplier invoice dated May 19, 2022, shows:

Acct Num: 419 424-5007 546 8

Enter as:

419 424-5007 546 8-05192022

If there is NO unique Invoice Number listed on the supplier invoice

There may be an alternate unique identifier on the invoice that be used as the Invoice Number.

Ensure the alternate identifier is unique prior to using it as an Invoice Number.

Some possible alternate identifiers that can be used as an Invoice Number include:

  • Account Number
  • Document Number
  • Correspondence ID
  • Delivery Ticket Number
  • Job Number
  • Bill Number
  • Unique Ticket Number
  • Ad Number / Advertisement Number
  • (NOT Advertiser Number)
  • Reference Number
  • Policy number
  • Fire Number
Alternate identifiers that CANNOT be used as an Invoice Number

Some invoices contain identifiers that are not unique and CANNOT be used as Invoice Number.

The fields below cannot be used as an alternate identifier for an Invoice Number.

  • Sales Number
  • Item Number
  • Order Number
  • Contract Number
  • Non-itemized Statement Number
  • Hotel Folio Number
  • Advertiser Number
Alternate identifiers for Account Number

An alternative identifier can be used for Account Number but must be appended with -Invoice Date to make the Invoice Number unique.

The following can be used as alternate identifiers for Account Number.

  • Customer Number-Invoice Date
  • Customer ID-Invoice Date
  • Client Number-Invoice Date
  • Client ID-Invoice Date
  • Master Station Number-Invoice Date
  • Merchant Number-Invoice Date
  • Case Number-Invoice Date
  • Employer Code Number-Invoice Date
  • Shipper Number-Invoice Date
  • Payer Number-Invoice Date
  • Parcel ID-Invoice Date
  • Telephone Number-Invoice Date
  • Plan Number-Invoice Date
  • OPERS Account Number-Invoice Date
  • Ambulance invoices only:
  • Call Number-Invoice Date
  • Run Number-Invoice Date
If there is NO Invoice Number and NO unique alternate identifier

Use Invoice Date-Invoice Amount as the Invoice Number.

Ports Petroleum invoice for $150.35 is dated May 19, 2022 and has no Invoice Number or alternate unique identifier.

Enter as:


Vehicle Purchases

Use the Invoice Number if there is one. If no Invoice Number is provided, use an acceptable alternate identifier.

Acceptable alternate identifiers to use as Invoice Number for vehicle purchase (in the order) are:

  1. Stock Number
  2. Deal Number
  3. Quote Number
  4. Last 6 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  5. If there are multiple VINS on one invoice, then use Supplier Invoice Date-Invoice Amount
Duplicated Invoice Numbers

Use the Invoice Number-Invoice Date Sequential number (i.e., -2, -3, -4, etc.) as  the Invoice Number.

Supplier submits Invoice Number 12345, dated April 5, 2022, for $100.00 for location 1.   The supplier then submits Invoice Number 12345, dated May 19, 2022, for $100.00, for location 2.

Enter as:


AGO Outside Counsel Invoices

If only one Invoice Number is referenced, use it.

If multiple Invoice Numbers are referenced, then use Invoice Date-Invoice Amount.

Enter the Matter Number and/or Invoice Numbers in the Payment Message field.

Example 1:

Outside counsel invoice for $1,160.39 regarding Matter Number 96881-1, references Invoice number 123

Enter as:


Use the date on the TyMetrix 360 printout

Example 2:

Outside counsel invoice for $545.68 approval letter dated May 19, 2022, regarding Matter Number 8765 and Matter Number 8765-1, references multiple invoice numbers (485, 392, and 934).

Enter as:


Medical Forms / Form 1500/ HCFA/ Hospital or Dental billing

Use Patient Account Number-Last Date of Service-Invoice Amount.

Do not redact Patient Account Number.

Portsmouth Emergency Ambulance Service bills $250.00 for Patient Account Number 2112601011 for service provided on April 21, 2022.  No Invoice Number or Invoice Date is provided.

Enter as:


Corrective Vouchers

Use the original Invoice Number-CORR

Original Invoice Number 12345 requires a corrective voucher.

Enter Invoice Number on the corrective voucher as: 12345-CORR