Reissuing Warrants

Reissuing Voided Warrants

All warrants except for Income Tax / Corporate Tax Refunds, void for age 90 days after their issue date. Income Tax / Corporate Tax Refund warrants currently void for age 2 years after the issue date. Warrants issued in one biennium and voided in the following biennium are reissued by OBM. All other warrants are reissued by the original issuing agency.


A voided warrant is a payment that has been canceled due to age. Warrants are canceled for age at the end of the month in which they become 90 days old (from issued date). Income Tax / Corporate Tax Refund warrants currently void for age 2 years after the issue date. If the warrant was created and voids within the same biennium (two-year fiscal budget cycle) the new voucher can be entered by the issuing agency. OBM State Accounting must enter and process a warrant that was created in one biennium (May, April, or June at the end of the biennium) and voids in the next (July, August, September, or October at the beginning of the new biennium)..

Agency-Reissued Voided Warrants

State agencies will need to determine when the original payment was issued and if that payment has been cashed. If the warrant was issued in one biennium and voided for age in the following biennium, OBM will reissue that warrant (Operating biennium starts in even fiscal years and Capital biennium starts in odd fiscal years). If the warrant was issued at any other time, the agency will need to reissue the warrant.


If the warrant has been cashed, let the supplier know that it was cashed and when it was cashed. If the supplier claims that they never cashed or received the warrant, see Forgery Process. If the warrant has not been cashed, agencies should follow their internal procedures for reissuing voided warrants; in addition, OBM requires references on the comment lines of the original and new vouchers detailing the reissuance of the voided warrant

OBM-Reissued Voided Warrants

If the warrant has voided for age, has not already been reissued, and requires OBM to reissue, have the supplier completely fill out the “Claim for Reissuance of Voided Warrant due to Age” form (OBM-7264) and send it back to the agency. Once the agency receives the completed OBM-7264, the agency needs to fill out the “Voided Warrant Certification” form (OBM-20083) to verify that the voided warrant has not been reissued, is a valid obligation of the state, and the agency authorizes OBM to reissue the warrant. Send both forms (OBM-7264 and OBM-20083) to Payment Issuance via interoffice mail. OBM will contact the agency if there are any issues. If there are no issues, OBM will create the new voucher using the OAK01 business unit, the Fund used on the original voucher, ALI=OAK460, Dept=OAK100000, Program=VW000. The new voucher will reference the original voided warrant number and payment date on the Payments\Payment Options\Message line. The reissued warrant, along with a copy of the OBM-7264 will be put in an inter-office mail envelope and left  in the warrant room to be picked up by the agency.