Determining Required Backup


In addition to the invoice, some specific situations will require additional backup documentation be attached to the voucher in OAKS FIN. The guidelines below describe those requirements.



Promotional Items

Paid for Sponsorships

Car Rental (direct billed)

Lodging (direct billed)

Personal Service and Travel

Contractor Travel

Whenever possible, contractor’s travel must be negotiated using a deliverable-based method so that travel rates are not an issue. However, if necessary to reimburse travel expenses for contractors, the expenses must be reimbursed pursuant to OBM Travel Rule 126-1-02 and submitted for reimbursement using OBM Travel Expense Report (OBM 7148) OBM Travel Reimbursement Invoice for Non-State Employees (OBM – 1115) or a similar (agency specific) form that contains the same information.


Temporary Services

Employee Recognition

Non-State Employee travel


Required Documentation for: Meetings, Seminars, and Conferences


If the SEMINAR/TRAINING is Direct Billed an invoice with the names of attendees is needed.

Personal Service Contractor to Provide Training

Space (Room Rental) or Equipment Rental

Food Event

Must be in compliance with the guidelines which can be found on the OBM website under Resources in the OBM memos section:

Additional documents that should be attached if there is a CHARGE to individuals to register to attend the Event: