Revised:  02/04/2019

Entering  Warranty Information

When warranty information needs to be included on an asset in OAKS, that information is added using the Asset Warranties page. This job aid outlines the process of adding warranty information to an asset.


Begin by navigating to the Asset Warranties page.




  1. Enter search criteria to locate asset (i.e. Tag Number).
  2. Click the Search button.



  1. Enter the Effective Date – the date the warranty period begins.
  2. Click the Status field dropdown.
  3. Select the status of a warranty.
  4. Click the Supplier ID look up.
  5. Locate and select the Supplier ID of the supplier responsible for the asset warranty.
  6. Click the Contact ID look up.
  7. Locate and select the Contact ID of the supplier.
  8. Click in the Warranty ID field.
  9. Enter the Warranty Number.
  10. Click in the Warranty Name field.
  11. Enter the Warranty Name.
  12. Enter the Warranty End Date - the date the warranty period ends.
  13. Click in the Coverage field. Enter additional notes, terms, and conditions of the warranty.
  14. Click the Save button.

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