State Accounting Fiscal Essentials


SAFE Policy Manual

Revised: 06/27/2024

Travel and Expenses

OAKS Travel Module, Contractor Travel, and Travel Exceptions

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The purpose of this policy is to provide additional guidance to complement the rules and provisions outlined in OAC 126-1-02 - Rates and requirements for reimbursement of travel expenses of state agents (commonly known as the OBM Travel Rule). This policy does not substitute, override, or replace any rule or provision within OAC 126-1-02.  

Travel Reimbursement Invoice (OBM-1115)


The terms of this policy apply to all state agents and contractors of state agencies, departments, boards and commissions for the purpose of reimbursement of travel expenses. If the restrictions in this policy conflict with a current collective bargaining agreement or other legally binding document, then the terms of any such agreement will prevail.




  1. OAKS Travel and Expense Module
    1. All employees of state agencies, departments, boards and commissions are required to request travel reimbursements through the OAKS FIN Travel and Expense module.
    2. The Office of Budget and Management, Shared Services reviews travel expenses submitted through the OAKS FIN Travel and Expense module prior to reimbursement to verify compliance and the reimbursement request aligns with expenses incurred.
    3. Travel Authorizations must be entered only when the state agent is being reimbursed for international travel, airfare, lodging, or car rental. If an agency is paying for an expense on behalf of a state agency, a Travel Authorization may not be required.
  2. Travel Reimbursement Outside of the OAKS Travel and Expense Module
    1. Employees of elected officials, the judicial and legislative branches of the state, non-employees, and volunteers or board/commission members when the member is not paid on state payroll are not required to use the OAKS FIN Travel and Expense Module.
    2. When travel reimbursement is requested outside the OAKS FIN Travel and Expense Module, the traveler must complete the Travel Reimbursement Invoice (OBM-1115).
    3. Regardless of the method of providing travel reimbursement, all travel regulations in accordance with this policy and OAC 126-1-02 still apply.
  3. Supplementary Travel Information
    1. The OAKS FIN Process Manual provides guidance for using the OAKS Travel and Expense Module and should be used as a supplement to this policy for more detailed guidance.
    2. Travel expense reports shall indicate all intermediate destinations (i.e., specify intermediate towns and cities but not stops within a town or city) between the commencement and termination of travel as well as all vicinity mileage after arrival at destination.  Vicinity mileage must be documented on a separate line if total is greater than 10%.Miscellaneous transportation expenses (e.g., parking charges, road tolls) may be reimbursed through OAKS FIN (petty cash or voucher) rather than the OAKS Travel and Expense Module when there is no claim for reimbursement of mileage, hotels, airfare or meals associated with the travel.Travel Reimbursement Invoice (OBM-1115)Travel expense reports submitted in OAKS Travel and Expense Module in excess of 20% of the travel authorization estimate must be approved by the state agent's supervisor before it is sent to OBM for review.
    3. The OAKS Travel and Expense Module will not be able to complete a payment to the state agent when there is an error with the bank account established in OAKS for payroll or the OAKS Human Capital Management (HCM) profile is inactive (they have separated state service or are inactive due to extended leave). When necessary, the agency may need to submit the travel request for reimbursement through OAKS FIN using the  to document the expense. The travel packet must explain the circumstances that led to the necessity of the voucher being created.
    4. Taxes shall be reimbursed for all reimbursable travel as defined by OAC 126-1-02.
    5. If a receipt is lost, a replacement receipt must be attempted to be obtained from the merchant. If unable to obtain a replacement receipt, a statement, signed by their supervisor, that certifies the events justifying the claim including the date, amount, and detailed description of the good or service purchased or provided must be submitted.
    6. If a receipt becomes illegible or unable to read via scan, the information that was unreadable must be written on the receipt and signed. The original receipt must be made available as needed during the travel approval process. If material information is unidentifiable on the receipt, the requirements under C.7. may be necessary.     
  4. Travel Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Supervisors are responsible for approval of Travel Authorizations and Expenses, as applicable, in the OAKS Travel and Expense Module as outlined in the OAKS FIN Process Manual Supervisors shall only approve requests when there is a legitimate business reason for the travel and when the travel arrangements are the most economical and efficient.

    2. All state agents traveling at state expense or on paid travel status must be authorized prior to travel by the head of a state agency or his/her designee.

    3. When the head of a state agency or his/her designee approves of a state agent’s travel, such action constitutes certification that the reimbursement of such state agent’s travel expenses is proper.

    4. State agents may also obtain authorization from their supervisor to travel and request reimbursement regardless if a travel authorization is required in the OAKS Travel and Expense Module.

    5. A state agent may delegate entry authority to enter Travel Authorizations or Expense Reports in OAKS Travel and Expense Module; however, the agent remains responsible for all submissions on their behalf. A state agent may not delegate authority to their supervisor responsible for approval.

    6. A state agent shall submit a travel expense reimbursement request within sixty days of the last date of travel but may be extended to ninety days by the head of the state agency or his/her designee. OBM will deny all travel requests outside of the ninety days unless a travel exception, as outlined in section F of this Travel Reimbursement Invoice (OBM-1115), has been requested and granted or the terms of an applicable collectively bargained agreement differ.  

    7. Supervisors shall only approve requests that conform to OAC 126-1-02 (OBM Travel Rule), the OAKS FIN Process Manual and the guidelines within this policy.

    8. Supervisors may delegate an alternate approver to approve travel within the OAKS Travel and Expense Module. Those acting in an alternate approval status shall follow the same roles and responsibilities conferred upon the original supervisor.

  5. Contractor Travel

    1. Whenever possible, contractor's travel must be negotiated using a deliverable-based method so that travel rates are not an issue. However, if necessary to reimburse travel expenses for contractors, the expenses must be reimbursed pursuant to OAC 126-1-02 and submitted for reimbursement using .

  6. Travel Exceptions

    1. In accordance with the OAC Section 126-1-02 (J), the head of a state agency or his/her designee may submit a written request for exception to the Director of Budget and Management for an exception to the travel rule.

    2. The exception request must be from the agency Director or his/her designee and submitted via the OBM Director Request Portal. A travel exception can be selected in the portal. The request must describe the circumstances that led to the need for the request; dates and dollar amounts, as applicable; steps taken to prevent future occurrences; and name of the employee(s) for whom the exception is being requested. For exemptions related to exceeding the CONUS lodging rate, indicate the CONUS rate for the area and rates of other lodging options.

    3. Travel exceptions that are between ninety and one hundred and fifty days after travel has incurred will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    4. All approvals or rejections to travel exception requests will be provided in writing and are the final decision of OBM. OBM does not have an appeal process for travel exemption request decisions.