Revised: 03/01/2019
Generally in accounting, a payable is an obligation or liability to pay in the future for goods and services already received. This definition differs from the legal definition, which states an obligation is incurred when an authorized agency representative with proper budgetary authority has approved a payment.
Annually, OBM's approach for measuring the State's accounts payable balance, as of each fiscal year end, consists of a review of payments accepted in the Ohio Administrative Knowledge System (OAKS) after June 30 for goods and services received on or before June 30. OBM is able to identify outstanding payables, as of fiscal year end, by electronically retrieving and analyzing the OAKS data entered into the Last Receipt Date field.
Proper coding of the Last Receipt Date field enables OBM to use OAKS to obtain payable data critical to developing the State’s annual financial statements. Reliance on OAKS for this information significantly reduces the amount of data that OBM is required to request from each agency in the preparation of the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
The date entered into the Last Receipt Date field in OAKS FIN is used by the Financial Reporting Section to determine outstanding payables, as of fiscal year end. The date an agency enters into the Last Receipt Date field must lie within the fiscal year when the good or service was received. When available, the best date to enter into OAKS FIN is the actual date when an agency receives goods or services from a vendor, as evidenced by receiving reports, bills of lading, invoices, or other available documentation. Certain circumstances may prevent the actual date from being determined and entered into OAKS FIN. In those circumstances, any date during the fiscal year that the good or service was received is an acceptable date for the Last Receipt Date field.
The following Question and Answer (Q & A) Section addresses general guidelines for determining and coding the last receipt date on vouchers. In the scenarios, the dates suggested for the Last Receipt Date field are examples of the best date to be used and do not represent the only acceptable date. Please keep in mind that the overall objective in assigning the last receipt date is to record the obligation in the correct fiscal year - the year when your state agency received the goods or services. The budget fiscal year against which the voucher is posted should not be the basis for assigning the last receipt date.
Any questions that are not addressed in these guidelines may be directed to
is the Last Receipt Date field located on voucher documents?
is a valid Last Receipt Date to be coded on a voucher that is processed
for a subsidy?
is a valid Last Receipt Date to be coded on a voucher processed for
the payment of a refund?
is a valid Last Receipt Date to be coded on a voucher processed to
replace a voided warrant?