Creating a PO Receipt Voucher

Purchase Order (PO) vouchers are used to pay for goods or services ordered by means of a PO. If the PO receipt is entered in OAKS FIN, then a PO Receipt voucher should be created instead of a PO Voucher.


The entry for a PO Voucher is similar to a non-PO voucher, except that the invoice lines (item, description, quantity, etc.) can be pulled from the purchase order systematically. OAKS FIN provides the capability to create a voucher by copying information from a purchase order that already exists in OAKS FIN. Copying from the PO saves time and reduces the possibility of voucher data entry errors. Copying PO information onto the voucher also allows OAKS FIN to perform an automated matching process, which ensures that the State only pays for goods/services that were ordered.



Some vouchers may require central approval, which includes a requirement for supporting documentation.  






  1. Click Add.


  1. Enter the number printed on the supplier’s invoice in the Invoice Number field.
  2. Enter the date printed on the supplier's invoice in the Invoice Date field in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  3. Enter the date on which the state received the proper invoice in the Invoice Received field.
  4. Enter the date on which the goods or services were received in the Last Receipt Date field.
  5. Expand the Copy From Source Document section.
  6. Select PO Receipt from the Copy From dropdown list.
  7. Select Go.
  8. Enter search criteria and click Search.
  9. Click View All to see more results.
  10. Select the check box next to each receipt line to copy to the voucher.  
  11. Click Copy Selected Lines.
  12. Enter the lesser of "current charges" or "balance due" as it appears on the invoice in the Invoice Total field.
  13. Select Calculate to verify that the Invoice Total in the Header is equal to the Line Total amount (sum of all the invoice lines) in the Header. Also verify that the Invoice Line Amount and Distribution Line Amount on the selected invoice line are equal.
  14. If the invoice is a portion of the PO, alter the Invoice Line Amount.
  15. Verify that the Distribution Line Amount matches the Invoice Total and the Invoice Line Amount.
  16. Confirm the correct Supplier Location code (supplier payment method) using the Look up supplier Location icon that corresponds to the Address Sequence Number selected. The Supplier Location and Address Sequence Number must always match if payment is to be made by EFT, (e.g., select "EFT-2" if Address Sequence Number "2" is selected). If EFT does not have a corresponding address, use "CHK."
  17. Add Attachments in the Header.
    1. Select the Attachments link.
      • The Voucher Header Attachment page displays

    2. Click Add Attachment.
    3. Browse to find the appropriate item and then click Upload.
    4. Click OK.
      • The Invoice Information page displays and the number of attachments is listed next to the Attachments link.
  1. Click the Payments tab.
  2. Verify or edit the Handling field (under the Payment Method section.)
  3. Use the Location field to specify what payment method will be used to pay the supplier. The default location is CHK for warrant.
  4. The Address field contains the address from which the payment was received. The address located in the Payment Information section indicates where the payment is to be sent.
  5. The Bank and Account fields are not editable. They specify the account from which payment is drawn.
  6. The Method field displays the payment method for a voucher. The Method field cannot be edited; it is determined by the location entered.
  7. Add a Payment Message.

    • There are 2 methods for entering Payment Messages: manually (using the free-form Message field) or selecting an agency-specific pre-defined message (using the Messages hyperlink). Both messages will display on the warrant (CHK) stub (up to 70-characters), but free-form Messages will not display on EFT.
    1. To apply a pre-defined message to the warrant, click the Messages link in the payment method section.
      • The Payment Message page displays.

      • Use the magnifying glass to select a pre-set message.
      • Click OK.
  8. To hold a payment, select the Hold Payment check box.    
  9. Select the Hold Reason.
  10. The Reference field currently does not display any information. Once saved, a voucher and the pay cycle occurs, OAKS FIN displays the warrant or EFT reference number in this field.
  11. Click the Voucher Attributes link to view the overall voucher status and entry information on the voucher, such as accounting instructions and approval information.
  12. Review the voucher information, such as accounting instructions and approval information.
  13. Click the Invoice Information link or tab to go back to the Invoice Information page.
  14. The Print button allows the agency to print a voucher.
  15. Click Save or Save For Later.