Understanding Threshold Calculations


State agencies may use their Direct Purchase Authority (DPA) to spend up to $50,000 (i.e. no more than $49,999.99) with a supplier each fiscal year without receiving prior approval from the Controlling Board.”  All POs and vouchers which have not referenced a Contract ID or CB Number are counted against the threshold. The threshold limit is calculated based on the supplier’s OAKS identification number.



Any individual purchase or contract, non-competitively selected or not otherwise exempted, that equals or exceeds the threshold requires Controlling Board approval.


For an individual purchase through DAS, or contract, non-competitively selected,  that is less than the aforementioned Controlling Board thresholds, this purchase or contract requires a Controlling Board approval Waiver of Competitive Selection or Agency Released Competitive Opportunity if the sum of A + B + C below is greater than or equal to the Controlling Board threshold. The following example illustrates the calculation of the Controlling Board threshold for non-institutional agencies.







Total amount of proposed purchase (non-competitively selected) from a particular supplier. This amount to be spent over the entire period of the contract. Amount of all disbursements to the supplier during the fiscal year for purchases from the supplier that were non-competitively selected nor approved by the Controlling Board (including disbursements in the current fiscal year from prior fiscal year encumbrances). Amount of all outstanding encumbrances for purchases from the supplier that were non-competitively selected nor approved by the Controlling Board. $50,000 or more in total




Cumulative spending activity for an Agency / Supplier / Fiscal Year is calculated, categorized and stored on a record in OAKS. Transactions are validated against that information to see if Thresholds have been exceeded.


OAKS FIN Threshold Validations

There are 3 threshold checks that may occur in OAKS FIN:



The OAKS FIN validation logic to determine whether Controlling Board Thresholds have been exceeded for a requisition, purchase order and voucher are:

  1. All Threshold logic is bypassed when the business unit is exempt from Controlling Board. These Agencies have no cumulative restriction on use of their Direct Purchase Authority.
  2. If the transaction references a State Agency, or State Employee, all threshold logic can be bypassed.
  3. If all transaction lines have a Contract ID, all Threshold logic can be bypassed. These transactions do not count towards Direct Purchase Authority Thresholds.
  4. If all transaction lines have a Controlling Board Number, all Threshold logic can be bypassed. These transactions do not count towards Direct Purchase Authority Thresholds.
  5. If all transaction lines are for a Controlling Board exempt Account code, all Threshold logic can be bypassed.
  6. When transaction lines do not reference a Contract ID or a Controlling Board exempt Account Code:
    1. If the sum of these lines is greater than the Agency’s Threshold, Controlling Board approval is required.
    2. If the sum of these lines plus the cumulative spend for the Agency / Supplier / Fiscal Year, including all open encumbrances, is greater than the Agency’s Threshold, Controlling Board approval is required.

Checking Spending Thresholds

Run the reports below to inquire on encumbrance and spending totals with a specific supplier.


Controlling Board Threshold Report

Follow the steps below to run the Controlling Board Threshold Report.


  1. MyOhio.gov > Business Intelligence > Launch Application.
  2. Reporting Folders > BI Standard Reports > FIN > Procure to Pay > Vendor Analytics.
  3. Select the “VA-0010 – Controlling Board Threshold Report”.
  4. Enter desired search critera.
  5. Click Finish.

Threshold Stat Information Inquiry

Follow the steps below to run the Threshold Stat Information inquiry.


  1. Enter search criteria (i.e., Business Unit, Fiscal Year, and Supplier ID).
  2. Click Search.


Agency Spending by Supplier ID Spending over $35,000 (OHAP082)

Follow the steps below to access the Agency Spending by Supplier ID for Spending over $35,000 (OHAP082).



  1. Enter "OHAP082" in Name.
  2. The Report Manager defaults to show the last 1 day of reports.
  1. Change the number of days to view the desired report (e.g., to view the reports that generated over the last week, enter "7").
  2. Click Refresh.