Creating a Journal Voucher


Journal vouchers are created when distribution information needs to be corrected on any current fiscal year voucher that has been posted and paid.  


If a posted voucher references a purchase order, whether paid or not paid, a Journal Voucher will correct ChartField entries on the voucher, but the purchase order will not be affected. For example, if the distribution line did not contain a grant number or if the department used on the PO was incorrect, a Journal Voucher can be created to make the corrections.


A Journal Voucher is a $0 voucher used for re-classification purposes only.






While creating a journal voucher a "No matching values were found" message displayed.

Attempting to enter the related Voucher ID before the supplier ID will produce the error message.

Enter a supplier ID before the Voucher ID when creating a journal voucher.

While creating a journal voucher for Single Pay suppliers – Related Voucher look up is blank.

Journal Vouchers cannot be created for Single Pay Vouchers.

Create a CRM case to request an update to supplier ID and Voucher ID Related.

When attempting to save the journal voucher, an error message displays: “The sum of the cash distribution lines for invoice line number 1 is not equal to zero.”

The amount sum of all the cash distribution lines on a journal voucher must net to zero.

Close the error message, correct the amounts, and then re-save.




  1. Select Journal Voucher from the Voucher Style dropdown list.
  1. Select the Supplier ID whose records that are being corrected.
  1. Enter the supplier's Invoice Number in the Invoice Number field.
  2. Enter the date the invoice was received in the Invoice Date field.
  3. Click Add.
  1. Enter the original voucher number in the Related Voucher field.
  2. Enter the most recent date the agency received the goods or services covered by the invoice in the Last Receipt Date field.
  3. Click Attachments link to add documentation.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Enter the file path or browse for and select the attachment.
    3. Click Upload.
      • OAKS FIN displays the file name for attachment in the Voucher File Attachments section.
    4. Click OK to verify that this is the correct attachment.
  1. Enter the ChartFields in the Distribution Lines as they displayed in the incorrect voucher, except that the Amount and Quantity fields should be listed as negative numbers.
  2. If needed, click the plus (+) button to add another row.
    1. Edit the number of Distribution Line rows to be added as necessary, and click OK.
  3. Edit the distribution line to reflect the correct accounting information.
  4. Click the Create/Update Cash Line button.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the View All link on the Invoice Lines header bar (if necessary) to see all lines.
  7. Click the View All link on the Distribution Lines header bar (if necessary) to see all lines.
  8. Validate that the Budget Date on each Distribution Line falls in the same fiscal year as the original voucher.