Revised: 10/07/2024
Agencies have a short period of time to delete a voucher. If the voucher has not posted the voucher can be deleted. This is used when the voucher was erroneously created and should not pay or when an error was recognized that is uneditable (i.e., origin code).
A voucher may be deleted if incorrect ChartFields have been used.
With the appropriate security, deleting the voucher is not difficult. However, carefully review the voucher and determine where it is in the posting process. A voucher can be deleted if it meets the following conditions.
Once confirmed to delete the voucher, the voucher will be deleted and will no longer be available online. If the voucher has already been budget checked prior to being deleted, OAKS FIN runs the budget check process to restore the budget for the deleted voucher amount. Once a voucher is deleted, it cannot be retrieved nor can the deletion be undone. Also, the voucher ID assigned to a deleted voucher may not be reused.
It is possible to delete a voucher only if it has not been posted in OAKS FIN. If a voucher is already budget checked, OAKS FIN automatically runs the budget check process after the voucher is deleted to restore the appropriation. If a PO voucher (a voucher that references a purchase order) is already matched, unmatch it first before deleting it.
Search for the voucher to delete using the:
If no search criteria is entered all of the vouchers eligible for deletion for the Business Unit will be seen.
The Voucher ID may not be reused.
After conducting a search, click the Recent Search Results icon at the end of the breadcrumb navigation anytime to display the Recent Search Results in a pop-up window
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