Creating a Single Payment Voucher

The Single Payment Voucher (SPV) exists to reduce the effort required to make a one-time, small dollar payment to suppliers not in the OAKS FIN supplier database. Single Payment Vouchers may not be used when:


1099-Reportable Account Codes are not to be used on single payment vouchers. Payments using any 1099-Reportable Account Codes should be processed on regular vouchers in order for the transactions to be reported correctly to the IRS and the payee.


Single Payment Vouchers (SPV) allow agencies to enter vouchers without referencing a supplier in the OAKS FIN supplier file. The SPV is to be used only for a refund or a subsidy payment. The SPV can be entered online in OAKS FIN or submitted via the INF02 Voucher Interface.


SPVs cannot reference an encumbrance. If reference to an encumbrance is needed for these vouchers, have the supplier entered into the OAKS FIN supplier file and process it as a regular voucher.


When an SPV is entered online in OAKS FIN, a warrant is issued unless the agency enters the supplier banking information on the voucher.



  1. Select Single Payment Voucher from the Voucher Style dropdown list.
  2. Enter a single payment ID in the Supplier ID field. This varies depending on whether the type of supplier and how they will be paid.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the supplier name in the Supplier Name.
  5. Enter the street or postal address of the supplier in the Address 1field.
  6. Enter the supplier's City.
  7. Enter the supplier's zip code in the Postal field.
  8. Enter the supplier's State.
  9. If supplier "SGLPAYEFT2" was selected as the Supplier ID for electronic transfer, enter the supplier's bank information.
    1. Click the Supplier Bank link.
    2. Enter the supplier's bank account number in the Bank Account Number field.
    1. Enter the bank Account Type.
      • Check Acct for checking.
    1. Click OK.
  1. Enter the payment method in the Location field.
  2. Enter the time line for voucher payment in the Pay Terms field.
  3. Enter the supplier's Invoice Number.
  4. Enter the date printed on the supplier's invoice in the Invoice Date field in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  5. Enter the date on which the state received the proper invoice in the Invoice Received field.
  6. Enter the date on which the goods or services were received in the Last Receipt Date field.
  7. Enter the lesser of "current charges" or "balance due" as it appears on the invoice in the Invoice Total field.
      • Exclude "sales tax" listed on the invoice image when the supplier's "remit to" is in Ohio or when OHIO sales tax is explicitly stated (other taxes such as excise taxes, local taxes, environmental taxes, or other types of taxes are not exempt to the State and should be included).

      • Exclude past charges.

      • Exclude late payment fees (unless the supplier and service is a utility regulated by the Public Utilities Commission [PUCO]).

  1. Enter a Description of the invoice charges.
  2. Enter the amount to charge to the associated ChartFields in the Total field.
  3. Enter the ChartFieldsto be charged by the voucher, including at a minimum:
  1. Add Attachments in the Header.
    1. Select the Attachments link.
      • The Voucher Header Attachment page displays.

    2. Click Add Attachments.
    3. Browseto find the appropriate item and then click Upload.
    4. Click OK.
      • The Invoice Information page displays and the number of attachments is listed next to the Attachments link
  1. Click the Payments tab.
  1. Add a Payment Message.

    • There are 2 methods for entering Payment Messages: manually (using the free-form Message field) or selecting an agency-specific pre-defined message (using the Messages hyperlink). Both messages will display on the warrant (CHK) stub (up to 70-characters), but free-form Messages will not display on EFT.
    1. To apply a pre-defined message to the warrant, click the Messages link in the payment method section.
      • The Payment Message page displays.

      • Use the magnifying glass to select a pre-set message.
      • Click OK.
  2. A payment can also be put on hold by selecting the Hold Payment checkbox.
  3. Click the Voucher Attributes tab.
  4. Review the voucher information, such as accounting instructions and approval information.

  5. Click Save.