Revised:  10/07/2024

Correcting Match Exceptions

The match process that runs in OAKS FIN compares vouchers to purchase orders and receiving documents to ensure that only what is ordered and received is paid.

Vouchers are typically matched with purchase orders via a batch process. If a voucher passes the match process, OAKS FIN flags it as matched and the voucher continues through the voucher process. If a voucher does not match, OAKS FIN flags it as a match exception and it must be corrected before the voucher can be approved, budget checked, posted, and then paid.

This process is used to review and correct the matching exceptions.


  1. > Financials > Accounts Payable Tile > Vouchers menu >  Match Workbench

  1. Enter the Business Unit.
  2. Select Match Exceptions Exist in the Match Status dropdown list.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click the Match link for the desired search results line item.
  1. Select Match Exception Summary to select the Match Rule Details. 
  2. Close the Match Exception Workbench Details page.
  3. Copy or write down the Voucher ID number.
  4. Click the New Window link.

  1. > OAKS FIN  > Accounts Payable Tile > Vouchers menu > Regular Entry

  1. Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter the Business Unit and Voucher ID for the voucher with the exception.
  3. Click Search.
  1. Click the Invoice Information tab.
  2. Click the Payments tab or link.
  3. Edit data as necessary.
  4. Click Save.

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