Revised: 12/13/2024 

Setting Up Spreadsheets for Budget Journals


This process is used for the agency budget processor to enter the adjustment budget journals into OAKS FIN using an Excel spreadsheet.


Downloading files


Click here for file installation instructions.



For each file listed, go to myOhio under My Resources and search using the terms "budget journal" or "gl journal." Click on the respective tile name. Right click on the download button and select "Save link as ..." Then choose where the files should be saved (for example, go to "My Documents" and then create a new folder called "Spreadsheet Journal Upload Files" where they are placed).

Opening the spreadsheet

  1. Find the Excel file named BudgetJournalUpload.xlsm and open it.



When first opened, the Budget Journal Upload control page displays three sections:



There are two ways (with different purposes) that agency users may set up header information for a spreadsheet journal.


The Business Unit for journals is always "STATE."


When using Define Options and Defaults, do NOT define a Date. If this is done, OAKS FIN automatically puts that date on every journal line entered.


The Budget Journal Upload page contains two main sections:


A check box displays under each ChartFields line. This check box is used to copy ChartFields distributions from one journal line to another. All check boxes except for Account and Amount are automatically selected. The Account and Amount fields should ALWAYS be manually entered. Other boxes may be deselected as well.


After the budget header information has been entered and the budget journal spreadsheet created, the header information for this particular spreadsheet journal must be created before entering any budget journal line information.


Once the journal spreadsheet is completed, the file is uploaded. If required information is missing from the spreadsheet, OAKS FIN creates an error for the budget journal. If the spreadsheet contains errors, it must be corrected and reprocessed.  See the Reviewing and Uploading Spreadsheet Budget Journal Entries topic for additional information on uploading spreadsheet journals.


Once uploaded into OAKS FIN, the agency GL approver checks the journals. If the approver finds errors in the spreadsheet journal, the spreadsheet can be corrected online.


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